DJ Stefan OK

Stefan OK

I am an internationally travelling Tango-DJ from Halle (Germany) with more than 200 sets and invitations to 24 countries on 6 continents.

My Sets are mostly influenced by traditional Milongas with Tandas and Cortinas from Buenos Aires, Italy and Germany. I am known for my excellent timing and the creation of deeply touching dynamics with an repertoire of Edo plus X :-)

I grew up in a very creative German community with the idea of "everything goes" in Tango. At the climax of the Tango Nuevo around 2010 this was pretty much the case in many tango scenes. After several years of dancing and listening, I started DJing in 2009. Since that time my DJ-Sets are created around the classics from the "Epoca de Oro", the golden time of Tango Argentino from 1937 to 1947. I was among the first DJs in Germany playing with Tandas and Cortinas in that time.

Extensive travels to Buenos Aires from 2011 to 2015 with DJ-Sets and frequent visits of all mayor milongas made me understand the reality of the Milonga Portena beyond myths and idealiziations created all over the world. My beginning international career as a Marathon- and Festival-DJ in 2013 allows me until today to co-create european tango culture. 

As a collector of the whole History of Tango Argentino I love to listen tangos from the 20's and 30's with a strong rhythmic structure. I sometimes use them to spice up my DJ-Sets. During my time in Buenos Aires and Berlin I discovered also the romantic melodies of the 40's and 50's. My favourite orchestras are Di Sarli and D'Arienzo. I prefer a complementary mix of rhythm and melody to serve all kinds of dancers.

DJ Stefan OK

What is "Live-DJing"?

Everytime I play I'm a "Live-DJ", that means i choose from my large archive of Tangos, that grows almost everyday, the perfect tango for the particular moment. I love introducing myself in the mood of the "pista" to give the dancers what they need. I'm constantly working to provide a good soundquality, a careful and sometimes sophisticated or suprising choice, of well-known or rare tangos. But all this work has to be done in advance, because the milonga is not the place to be a sound-enginneer or a tango-collector, it's the place to create and react to emotions, therefore a fixed playlist is absolutely impossible and choosing the songs one by one very is central to my work.

Listen to Stefan OK @ Tanda of the Week!

I was recident DJ in Halle and organizer from 2009 to 2019 in the milongas Milonga Ferdinande, Cafe de los Anhaltinos, Studilonga or in Mirjam's Tango-Studio.

I was invited as Guest-DJ to:

1. Germany, 2. Argentina, 3. Finland, 4. Italy, 5. Hungary, 6. Czech Republic, 7. Norway, 8. Schweden, 9. Austria, 10. Netherlands, 11. United States of America, 12. Belgium, 13. Portugal, 14. Switzerland, 15. Poland, 16. Bulgaria, 17. France, 18. Spain, 19. Lithuania, 20. Turkey, 21. Georgia, 22. Tunisia, 23. Canada, 24. New Zealand, 25. South Corea 26. Latvia

Update: Solo Vinilos - The Vinyl DJ-Set for your Milonga

Since 2019 I am able to offer Vinyl-DJ Sets on a international level. I've got a Vinyl Collection of almost 350 LP's mostly High Quality Editions from Japan and all the technical Equipment that is needed. Listening to the Vinyls is a unique experience. The warm sound of the records and vinyl editions are very often superior to the MP3 Versions that most DJs are playing. Besides this the sheer presence of the turntables in the Milonga is appreciated by the dancers and creates tooching moments of the connection with the music. Learn more about the Vinyls and get in touch with me for the Conditions of the Vinyl DJ-Set for your Milonga.


01/20 Tangonacht in Neuen Theater (Halle)
04/05 Besos de Miel Tangomarathon (Halle)
04/20 Milonga with Andariega (Dresden)
04/21 Milonga am See (Görlitz)
05/01 Solidarity Milonga for Ukraine (Oslo, NORWAY)
05/04 Bergen Tangomarathon (Bergen, NORWAY)
05/20 Vienna Calling Marathon (Vienna, AUSTRIA)
06/03 Mattstedt Tango Weekend
06/10 Violetas (Parma, ITALY)
06/19 Viva la Vida TangoLiveFestival (Ingolstadt)
08/10 Intango Sommer-Festival (Heidelberg)
08/18 Tardecita (Frankfurt)
09/06 Nou Tango (Berlin)
10/18 TangoTageHalle (Halle)
11/15 TAMAKA - 6. TANGOMARATHON (Karlsruhe)
11/29 Besos de Miel (Halle)


02/03-02/05 Tangomarathon (Riga, LATVIA)
02/13-02/27 Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA)
03/30-04/02 Papusa Tangomarathon (Munich) 04/14-04/16 Besos de Miel Tangomarathon (Halle) 05/04-05/07 Tangomarathon (Bergen, NORWAY) 05/12-05/14 Tangoloft (Berlin) 08/11-08/13 TBC 10/12-10/15 TangoTageHalle (Halle) 12/08-12/10 Besos de Miel Tangomarathon (Halle)


Tardecita (Frankfurt am Main)
Besos de Miel (Halle)
Tangoloft (Berlin)
Vilnius Winter Tango Marathon (Vilnius, LITHUANIA)
Carillon de la Mer (Marseille, FRANCE)
TangoTageHalle (Halle)
MAratango (Mannheim),
Mattstedt Marathon (Mattstedt)
Milonga La Roca (Amersfoort, NETHERLANDS),
La Cita de los Amigos (Spa, BELGIUM),
Besos de Miel "Spring Edition" (Halle)

Besos de Miel "Vinyl only" (Halle),
TangoTageHalle (Halle),
De Oro "Vinyl only" (Krakow, POLAND),
Dulce de Lecques #4 (Lecques, FRANCE),
Mattstedt Marathon (Mattstedt),
Iron Tango (Dresden),
Maracuentro "Vinyl only" (Basel, SUISSE),


Tardecita (Frankfurt),
(Tibilisi, GEORGIA),
(Auckland, NEW ZEALAND)


Maracuentro (Basel, SWITZERLAND),
El TanGone #11 (Lyon, FRANCE),
Milonga Voglia di Tango (Parma, ITALY),
Tango Weekender (Mattstedt),
Vilnius Milonguero Summer (Vilnius, LITHUANIA)
Caliente Tango-Marathon (Antalya, TURKEY),
Hormigas Tango Weekend (Romainmôtier-Envy, SWITZERLAND)
Tango Marathon (Mattstedt),
MAratango (Mannheim),
TangoTageHalle (Halle)
Milonga La Roca (Amersfoort, NETHERLANDS),
Besos de Miel Tango-Marathon (Halle)


Nochecita (Frankfurt),
Tango-Marathon (Brescia, ITALY),
Tangofest (Dresden),
Milonga Cristal (Berlin),
Nou Tango (Berlin),
Galeria Ideal (Wien, AUSTRIA),
Tango Weekender (Mattstedt),
TangoTage Leipzig (Leipzig),
Festival (Eindhoven, NEDERLANDS),
Milonga Macao (Milano, ITALY),
Milonga Voglia di Tango (Parma, ITALY),
Tangoball (Magdeburg),
MAratango (Mannheim),
Milonga 4 Seasons (Sisteron, FRANCE)
Milonga Casa Valencia (Barcelona, SPAIN),
Milonga Susurro (Barcelona, SPAIN),


El Abrazo (Hamburg),
Hypezig (Leipzig), 
5th Bulgarian Winter Tango (Plovdiv, BULGARIA),
Tardecita (Franfurt),
Sonando Marathon (Amsterdam, NEDERLANDS),
Tangofest (Dresden),
SPQR Tango Marathon (Rome, ITALY),
Milonga im Hochhaus (Zeulenroda),
Landesbühnen Sachsen (Radebeul), 
Devoradores Marathon (Wroclaw, POLAND),
Tango Summer (Heidelberg),
Balloon Tango Marathon (Stuttgart),
Tango8 acht (Köln,)
La Colegiala Marathon (Marina di Massa, ITALY),
Corazon Verde - Tangofestival Thüringen (Erfurt, Jena, Weimar),
Trilonga (Hannover),
Bergen Tangomarathon (Bergen, NORWAY),
Maracuentro (Basel, SWITZERLAND),
Milonga La Roca (Amersfoort, NETHERLANDS),
'Alma en Vuelo' (Leipzig),


Neujahresball (Halle),
Milonga Garufa (Regensburg),
La Tosca Tango Marathon (Florence, ITALY),
Milonga "Steps" (Lisbon, PORTUGAL),
A todo Tango! (Lisbon, PORTUGAL),
Secreto Tangomarathon (Budapest, HUNGARY),
Tangofest (Dresden),
SPQR Tango Marathon (Rome, ITALY),
Tango Festival y Tango Contest (Münster),
Milonga La Roca (Amersfoort, NETHERLANDS),
Sommer Tango (Halle),
La Cita de los Amigos (Anthisnes, BELGIUM),
Bohnes Aires (Erfurt),
Balloon Tango Marathon (Stuttgart),
MAratango (Mannheim),
Oswaldz Tango (Dresden),
MegaMilonga im Silbersaal des Deutschen Museum (München),
13. Tango Tage Halle (Halle),
Praktika (Salt Lake City, USA),
The Beat (San Francisco, USA),
Geburtstagsmilonga 'Alma en Vuelo' (Leipzig),
O'Cerasiello - the spicy tango party (Naples, ITALY),
Tango Train (Amsterdam, NED)


Leipzig X3 (Leipzig),
DNI (Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA),
La Maleva (Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA),
8.Tango Marathon (Halle),
Esquina del Tango (Erfurt),
Milonga & Wein (Dresden),
La Academia (Dresden),
Schieferburg (Dresden),
Milonga Weekend (Vienna, AUSTRIA),
TangoTage Leipzig (Leipzig),
Tangofest (Dresden),
Tango Weekender (Mattstedt),
Canoli (Palermo, ITALY),
Tango Alchemie (Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC),
Marathon Conventello House (Ravenna, ITALY)
Balloon Tangomarathon (Stuttgart),
Tangospirit (Meißen),
Alma en Vuelo (Leipzig),
MAratango (Mannheim),
Westcoast Tangomarathon (Gothenburg, SCHWEDEN),
Tango8 acht (Köln,)
Bergen Tangomarathon (Bergen, NORWAY),
Tango Feuerwerk (Dresden),

Silvester Tango Gut Mengersdorf (Bayreuth),
Esquina del Tango (Erfurt),
Tango Feuerwerk (Dresden),
La Guacha (Palermo, ITALY)
Trilonga - Stefanonga Edition (Palermo, ITALY),
Tango Alchemie (Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC),
El Sabor de Hungria Festival (Budapest, HUNGARY)
Nou Tango (Berlin),
Tango Weekender (Mattstedt),
TangoTage Leipzig (Leipzig),
20 Jahre INTANGO (Heidelberg),
Bodega-Milonga (Bamberg),
DNI-Tango (Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA),
Viva La Pepa Milonga (Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA),
Max&Moritz (Berlin)

Cité-Milonga (Dresden),
Esquina del Tango (Erfurt),
8 Anos DNI-Tango (Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA),
Viva la Pepa - Domingos en Malcolm (Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA),
Tangofest Dresden (Dresden),
Mühlenmilonga (Mattstedt),
La Ronda (Dresden),
TANGO-Wochenende (Schloss Goseck),
Villa Kreuzberg (Berlin),
Nou Tango (Berlin),
La milonguita del Madras (Napoli, ITALY),
Donnerstagsmilonga von Petra & Bernd (Dresden), 
Geburtstagsmilonga 'Alma en Vuelo' (Leipzig),
La milonga de vogliaditango (Parma, ITALY),
Tango Feuerwerk (Dresden) 
DNI (Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA),
Gare de la Lune (Dresden),
Tampere Tango Festival 2012 (Tampere, FINLAND),
Roter Salon (Berlin),
Tangobar (Wien, AUSTRIA), 
Tango Feuerwerk (Dresden) 

DNI (Buenos Aires, ARG),
Gare de la Lune (Dresden),
Esquina del Tango (Erfurt),